Source code for estimator.sis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
High-level NTRU interface

from functools import partial
from sage.all import oo

from .sis_lattice import lattice
from .sis_parameters import SISParameters as Parameters  # noqa
from .conf import (
    red_cost_model as red_cost_model_default,
    red_shape_model as red_shape_model_default,
from .util import batch_estimate, f_name
from .reduction import RC

[docs] class Estimate:
[docs] def rough(self, params, jobs=1, catch_exceptions=True): """ This function makes the following somewhat routine assumptions: - The LGSA holds. - The Core-SVP model holds. This function furthermore assumes the following heuristics: - None at the moment. May change as more algorithms are added. :param params: SIS parameters. :param jobs: Use multiple threads in parallel. :param catch_exceptions: When an estimate fails, just print a warning. EXAMPLE :: >>> from estimator import * >>> _ = SIS.estimate.rough(schemes.Dilithium2_MSIS_WkUnf) lattice :: rop: ≈2^123.5, red: ≈2^123.5, sieve: ≈2^-332.2, β: 423, η: 423, ζ: 1, d: 2303, ... """ algorithms = {} # Only lattice attacks are supported on SIS for now algorithms["lattice"] = partial(lattice, red_cost_model=RC.ADPS16, red_shape_model="lgsa") res_raw = batch_estimate( params, algorithms.values(), log_level=1, jobs=jobs, catch_exceptions=catch_exceptions ) res_raw = res_raw[params] res = { algorithm: v for algorithm, attack in algorithms.items() for k, v in res_raw.items() if f_name(attack) == k } for algorithm in algorithms: if algorithm not in res: continue result = res[algorithm] if result["rop"] != oo: print(f"{algorithm:8s} :: {result!r}") return res
[docs] def __call__( self, params, red_cost_model=red_cost_model_default, red_shape_model=red_shape_model_default, deny_list=tuple(), add_list=tuple(), jobs=1, catch_exceptions=True, ): """ Run all estimates. :param params: SIS parameters. :param red_cost_model: How to cost lattice reduction. :param red_shape_model: How to model the shape of a reduced basis (applies to primal attacks) :param deny_list: skip these algorithms :param add_list: add these ``(name, function)`` pairs to the list of algorithms to estimate.a :param jobs: Use multiple threads in parallel. :param catch_exceptions: When an estimate fails, just print a warning. EXAMPLE :: >>> from estimator import * >>> _ = SIS.estimate(schemes.Dilithium2_MSIS_StrUnf) lattice :: rop: ≈2^150.8, red: ≈2^149.6, sieve: ≈2^149.9, β: 421, η: 429, ζ: 0, d: 2304, ... >>> params = SIS.Parameters(n=113, q=2048, length_bound=512, norm=2) >>> _ = SIS.estimate(params) lattice :: rop: ≈2^47.0, red: ≈2^47.0, δ: 1.011391, β: 61, d: 276, tag: euclidean >>> _ = SIS.estimate(params.updated(length_bound=16, norm=oo), red_shape_model="cn11") lattice :: rop: ≈2^65.9, red: ≈2^64.9, sieve: ≈2^64.9, β: 113, η: 142, ζ: 0, d: 2486, ... """ algorithms = {} algorithms["lattice"] = partial( lattice, red_cost_model=red_cost_model, red_shape_model=red_shape_model ) algorithms = {k: v for k, v in algorithms.items() if k not in deny_list} algorithms.update(add_list) res_raw = batch_estimate( params, algorithms.values(), log_level=1, jobs=jobs, catch_exceptions=catch_exceptions ) res_raw = res_raw[params] res = { algorithm: v for algorithm, attack in algorithms.items() for k, v in res_raw.items() if f_name(attack) == k } for algorithm in algorithms: if algorithm not in res: continue result = res[algorithm] if result["rop"] == oo: continue print(f"{algorithm:8s} :: {result!r}") return res
estimate = Estimate()