
Our intent is for this estimator to be maintained by the research community. For example, we encourage algorithm designers to add their own algorithms to this estimator and we are happy to help with that process.

More generally, all contributions such as bugfixes, documentation and tests are welcome. Please go ahead and submit your pull requests.

Design & Tips#

We use Python classes as namespaces, something like this:

class SuperCoolAttack:

    def some_complex_function(a, b, c, log_level=5):
        cost = Cost(rop=a*b*c, a=a)
        cost.register_impermanent(rop=True, a=False) # (6)
        return cost

    def __call__(self, params, a=None, log_level=5):
        Estimate cost of super cool attack [C:Author21]_. # (8)

        :param params: LWE parameters.
        :param a: The famous `a` parameter.

        params = params.normalize() # (1)
        with local_minimum(params.n//2, stop=params.n, log_level=log_level+1) as it:
            for n in it: # (2)
                cost = self.some_complex_function(a, b, c, log_level=log_level)
                it.update(cost) # (2): submit current value to pick next one
            cost = it.y # extract final solution
            Logging.log("sca", log_level, f"bla: {repr(cost)}") # (3)

        cost["tag"] = "super-cool-attack" # (4)
        cost["problem"] = params # (5)
        return cost

    __name__ = "super_cool_attack"

super_cool_attack = SuperCoolAttack() # (7)

We explain what is going on above:

  1. LWE objects know how to normalize themselves by calling params.normalize(). We assume that high-level functions (such as __call__ above) call params.normalize().

  2. Often optimizing parameters means finding the optimimum in some range. We provide some syntactical sugar to make this easy/readable.

  3. Logging takes levels and modules, for the latter to work you need to add an entry to Logging.loggers

  4. Costs should indicate where they come from.

  5. We assume “costs” know their “problems”.

  6. When constructing cost objects we should indicate which entries scale with repetitions and which do not. For example, the block size of lattice reduction would not, the overall cost would.

  7. The user visible object is then super_cool_attack.

  8. Add references to References.


Don’t forget to add yourself to the list of contributors in the README in your pull request.


  • The easiest way to run tests is to run pytest, python -m pytest (for those running inside conda or sage -sh), or sage --python -m pytest in the root directory of this repository. These tests are also run on each commit. Code that isn’t tested is broken, so ideally every function should have an example doctest. - To install the depdencies for testing, run pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • We also enforce a coding style using flake8.

  • You should also test building the documentation locally before creating a pull request (see below).


The documentation for the estimator is available online and it can be generated locally by running the following command in the root directory of this repository:

make html

You will need sphinx-book-theme installed for this to work. If the documentation was previously generated locally use the following command to regenerate everything from scratch:

make clean && make html

You can produce Jupyter notebooks, run:

make jupyter

You will need sphinxcontrib-jupyter installed for this to work.

Note that sphinxcontrib-jupyter currently has a bug which means make html && make jupyter will fail. However, make html && make clean && make jupyter should succeed.

Some Coding-Style Guidelines#

  1. Avoid additional dependencies or unnecessary imports. If SageMath has a function already built-in, there needs to be a good reason to favor another library’s implementation.

  2. Minimize library import time. Defer calculations of any cached (or cacheable) values to runtime.

  3. When extending existing implementations using inheritance, do not overload methods to obtain differing functionality when the original method may be subject to change (e.g. cost optimizers for LWE, as new papers could change the methodology). This will end up doubling the work of implementing any such changes. Instead, make the original method more general, and obtain new functionality by altering method inputs.

  4. Please consider adding doctests to where they were not before if you are touching that part of the library (leave things nicer than when you found them).

  5. New components must be interoperable with existing functionality. If you add a new basis shape simulation, it should be able to be utilized by all existing consumers of that primitive.