Source code for estimator.lwe_parameters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from dataclasses import dataclass
from copy import copy

from sage.all import oo, binomial, log, sqrt, ceil

from .nd import NoiseDistribution
from .errors import InsufficientSamplesError

[docs] @dataclass class LWEParameters: """The parameters for a Learning With Errors problem instance.""" n: int #: the dimension of the LWE sample vector (Z/qZ)^n. q: int #: the modulus of the space Z/qZ of integers the LWE samples are in. Xs: NoiseDistribution #: the distribution on Z/qZ from which the LWE secret is drawn Xe: NoiseDistribution #: the distribution on Z/qZ from which the error term is drawn #: the number of LWE samples allowed to an attacker, #: optionally `sage.all.oo` for allowing infinitely many samples. m: int = oo tag: str = None #: a name for the patameter set def __post_init__(self, **kwds): self.Xs = copy(self.Xs) self.Xs.n = self.n if self.m < oo: self.Xe = copy(self.Xe) self.Xe.n = self.m @property def _homogeneous(self): return False
[docs] def normalize(self): """ EXAMPLES: We perform the normal form transformation if χ_e < χ_s and we got the samples:: >>> from estimator import * >>> Xs=ND.DiscreteGaussian(2.0) >>> Xe=ND.DiscreteGaussian(1.58) >>> LWE.Parameters(n=512, q=8192, Xs=Xs, Xe=Xe).normalize() LWEParameters(n=512, q=8192, Xs=D(σ=1.58), Xe=D(σ=1.58), m=+Infinity, tag=None) If m = n, we swap the secret and the noise:: >>> from estimator import * >>> Xs=ND.DiscreteGaussian(2.0) >>> Xe=ND.DiscreteGaussian(1.58) >>> LWE.Parameters(n=512, q=8192, Xs=Xs, Xe=Xe, m=512).normalize() LWEParameters(n=512, q=8192, Xs=D(σ=1.58), Xe=D(σ=2.00), m=512, tag=None) """ if self.m < 1: raise InsufficientSamplesError(f"m={self.m} < 1") # Normal form transformation if self.Xe < self.Xs and self.m >= 2 * self.n: return LWEParameters(n=self.n, q=self.q, Xs=self.Xe, Xe=self.Xe, m=self.m - self.n, tag=self.tag) # swap secret and noise # TODO: this is somewhat arbitrary if self.Xe < self.Xs and self.m < 2 * self.n: return LWEParameters(n=self.n, q=self.q, Xs=self.Xe, Xe=self.Xs, m=self.n, tag=self.tag) # nothing to do return self
[docs] def updated(self, **kwds): """ Return a new set of parameters updated according to ``kwds``. :param kwds: We set ``key`` to ``value`` in the new set of parameters. EXAMPLE:: >>> from estimator import * >>> schemes.Kyber512 LWEParameters(n=512, q=3329, Xs=D(σ=1.22), Xe=D(σ=1.22), m=512, tag='Kyber 512') >>> schemes.Kyber512.updated(m=1337) LWEParameters(n=512, q=3329, Xs=D(σ=1.22), Xe=D(σ=1.22), m=1337, tag='Kyber 512') """ d = dict(self.__dict__) d.update(kwds) return LWEParameters(**d)
[docs] def amplify_m(self, m): """ Return a LWE instance parameters with ``m`` samples produced from the samples in this instance. :param m: New number of samples. EXAMPLE:: >>> from sage.all import binomial, log >>> from estimator import * >>> schemes.Kyber512 LWEParameters(n=512, q=3329, Xs=D(σ=1.22), Xe=D(σ=1.22), m=512, tag='Kyber 512') >>> schemes.Kyber512.amplify_m(2**100) LWEParameters(n=512, q=3329, Xs=D(σ=1.22), Xe=D(σ=4.58), m=..., tag='Kyber 512') We can produce 2^100 samples by random ± linear combinations of 12 vectors:: >>> float(sqrt(12.)), float(log(binomial(1024, 12) , 2.0)) + 12 (3.46..., 103.07...) """ if m <= self.m: return self if self.m == oo: return self d = dict(self.__dict__) if self.Xe.mean != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Amplifying for μ≠0 not implemented.") for k in range(ceil(log(m, 2.0))): # - binom(n,k) positions # -two signs per position (+1,-1) # - all "-" and all "+" are the same if binomial(self.m, k) * 2**k - 1 >= m: Xe = NoiseDistribution.DiscreteGaussian(float(sqrt(k) * self.Xe.stddev)) d["Xe"] = Xe d["m"] = ceil(m) return LWEParameters(**d) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot amplify to ≈2^{log(m,2):1} using {{+1,-1}} additions.")
[docs] def switch_modulus(self): """ Apply modulus switching and return new instance. See [JMC:AlbPlaSco15]_ for details. EXAMPLE:: >>> from estimator import * >>> LWE.Parameters(n=128, q=7681, Xs=ND.UniformMod(3), Xe=ND.UniformMod(11)).switch_modulus() LWEParameters(n=128, q=5289, Xs=D(σ=0.82), Xe=D(σ=3.08), m=+Infinity, tag=None) """ n = self.Xs.density * len(self.Xs) # n uniform in -(0.5,0.5) ± stddev(χ_s) Xr_stddev = sqrt(n / 12) * self.Xs.stddev # rounding noise # χ_r == p/q ⋅ χ_e # we want the rounding noise match the scaled noise p = ceil(Xr_stddev * self.q / self.Xe.stddev) scale = float(p) / self.q # there is no point in scaling if the improvement is eaten up by rounding noise if scale > 1 / sqrt(2): return self return LWEParameters( self.n, p, Xs=self.Xs, Xe=NoiseDistribution.DiscreteGaussian(sqrt(2) * self.Xe.stddev * scale), m=self.m, tag=f"{self.tag},scaled" if self.tag else None, )
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.n, self.q, self.Xs, self.Xe, self.m, self.tag))