Source code for estimator.lwe_bkw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
See :ref:`Coded-BKW for LWE` for what is available.
from sage.all import ZZ, ceil, log, floor, sqrt, find_root, erf, oo, cached_function, RR

from .lwe_parameters import LWEParameters
from .util import local_minimum
from .cost import Cost
from .errors import InsufficientSamplesError
from .prob import amplify_sigma
from .nd import sigmaf
from .io import Logging

cfft = 1  # convolutions mod q

[docs] class CodedBKW:
[docs] @staticmethod def N(i, sigma_set, b, q): """ Return `N_i` for the `i`-th `[N_i, b]` linear code. :param i: index :param sigma_set: target noise level """ return floor(b / (1 - log(12 * sigma_set**2 / 2**i, q) / 2))
@staticmethod @cached_function def ntest(n, ell, t1, t2, b, q): """ If the parameter ``ntest`` is not provided, we use this function to estimate it. :param n: LWE dimension > 0. :param ell: Table size for hypothesis testing. :param t1: Number of normal BKW steps. :param t2: Number of coded BKW steps. :param b: Table size for BKW steps. """ # there is no hypothesis testing because we have enough normal BKW # tables to cover all of of n if t1 * b >= n: return 0 # solve for ntest by aiming for ntop == 0 def ntop(ntest): # Patch so that `find_root` (which uses float) doesn't error ntest = RR(ntest) sigma_set = sqrt(q ** (2 * (1 - ell / ntest)) / 12) ncod = sum(CodedBKW.N(i, sigma_set, b, q) for i in range(1, t2 + 1)) res = n - ncod - ntest - t1 * b return res try: start = max(int(round(find_root(ntop, 2, n - t1 * b + 1, rtol=0.1))) - 1, 2) except RuntimeError: start = 2 ntest_min = 1 for ntest in range(start, n - t1 * b + 1): if abs(ntop(ntest).n()) >= abs(ntop(ntest_min).n()): break ntest_min = ntest return int(ntest_min)
[docs] def t1(params: LWEParameters, ell, t2, b, ntest=None): """ We compute t1 from N_i by observing that any N_i ≤ b gives no advantage over vanilla BKW, but the estimates for coded BKW always assume quantisation noise, which is too pessimistic for N_i ≤ b. """ t1 = 0 if ntest is None: ntest = CodedBKW.ntest(params.n, ell, t1, t2, b, params.q) sigma_set = sqrt(params.q ** (2 * (1 - ell / ntest)) / 12) Ni = [CodedBKW.N(i, sigma_set, b, params.q) for i in range(1, t2 + 1)] t1 = sum(e <= b for e in Ni) # comp. how many in Ni are <= to b # there is no point in having more tables than needed to cover n if b * t1 > params.n: t1 = params.n // b return t1
[docs] @staticmethod def cost( t2: int, b: int, ntest: int, params: LWEParameters, success_probability=0.99, log_level=1, ): """ Coded-BKW cost. :param t2: Number of coded BKW steps (≥ 0). :param b: Table size (≥ 1). :param success_probability: Targeted success probability < 1. :param ntest: Number of coordinates to hypothesis test. """ cost = Cost() # Our cost is mainly determined by q^b, on the other hand there are expressions in q^(ℓ+1) # below, hence, we set ℓ = b - 1. This allows to achieve the performance reported in # [C:GuoJohSta15]. cost["b"] = b ell = b - 1 cost["ell"] = ell secret_bounds = params.Xs.bounds if params.Xs.is_Gaussian_like and params.Xs.mean == 0: secret_bounds = ( max(secret_bounds[0], -3 * params.Xs.stddev), min(secret_bounds[1], 3 * params.Xs.stddev), ) # base of the table size. zeta = secret_bounds[1] - secret_bounds[0] + 1 t1 = CodedBKW.t1(params, ell, t2, b, ntest) t2 -= t1 cost["t1"] = t1 cost["t2"] = t2 cost.register_impermanent(t1=False, t2=False) # compute ntest with the t1 just computed if ntest is None: ntest = CodedBKW.ntest(params.n, ell, t1, t2, b, params.q) # if there's no ntest then there's no `σ_{set}` and hence no ncod if ntest: sigma_set = sqrt(params.q ** (2 * (1 - ell / ntest)) / 12) ncod = sum(CodedBKW.N(i, sigma_set, b, params.q) for i in range(1, t2 + 1)) else: ncod = 0 ntot = ncod + ntest ntop = max(params.n - ncod - ntest - t1 * b, 0) cost["#cod"] = ncod # coding step cost["#top"] = ntop # guessing step, typically zero cost["#test"] = ntest # hypothesis testing cost.register_impermanent({"#cod": False, "#top": False, "#test": False}) # Theorem 1: quantization noise + addition noise coding_variance = params.Xs.stddev**2 * sigma_set**2 * ntot sigma_final = float(sqrt(2 ** (t1 + t2) * params.Xe.stddev**2 + coding_variance)) M = amplify_sigma(success_probability, sigmaf(sigma_final), params.q) if M is oo: cost["rop"] = oo cost["m"] = oo return cost m = (t1 + t2) * ZZ(params.q**b - 1) / 2 + M cost["m"] = float(m) cost.register_impermanent(m=True) if not params.Xs <= params.Xe: # Equation (7) n = params.n - t1 * b C0 = (m - n) * (params.n + 1) * ceil(n / (b - 1)) assert C0 >= 0 else: C0 = 0 # Equation (8) C1 = sum( (params.n + 1 - i * b) * (m - i * ZZ(params.q**b - 1) / 2) for i in range(1, t1 + 1) ) assert C1 >= 0 # Equation (9) C2_ = sum( 4 * (M + i * ZZ(params.q**b - 1) / 2) * CodedBKW.N(i, sigma_set, b, params.q) for i in range(1, t2 + 1) ) C2 = float(C2_) for i in range(1, t2 + 1): C2 += float( ntop + ntest + sum(CodedBKW.N(j, sigma_set, b, params.q) for j in range(1, i + 1)) ) * (M + (i - 1) * ZZ(params.q**b - 1) / 2) assert C2 >= 0 # Equation (10) C3 = M * ntop * (2 * zeta + 1) ** ntop assert C3 >= 0 # Equation (11) C4_ = 4 * M * ntest C4 = C4_ + (2 * zeta + 1) ** ntop * ( cfft * ZZ(params.q ** (ell + 1)) * (ell + 1) * log(params.q, 2) + params.q ** (ell + 1) ) assert C4 >= 0 C = (C0 + C1 + C2 + C3 + C4) / ( erf(zeta / sqrt(2 * params.Xe.stddev)) ** ntop ) # TODO don't ignore success probability try: cost["rop"] = float(C) except TypeError: cost["rop"] = oo cost["mem"] = (t1 + t2) * params.q**b cost = cost.reorder("rop", "m", "mem", "b", "t1", "t2") cost["tag"] = "coded-bkw" cost["problem"] = params Logging.log("bkw", log_level + 1, f"{cost!r}") return cost
[docs] @classmethod def b( cls, params: LWEParameters, ntest=None, log_level=1, ): def sf(x, best): return (x["rop"] <= best["rop"]) and not (best["m"] <= params.m < x["m"]) # the outer search is over b, which determines the size of the tables: q^b b_max = 3 * ceil(log(params.q, 2)) with local_minimum(2, b_max, smallerf=sf) as it_b: for b in it_b: # the inner search is over t2, the number of coded steps t2_max = max(3, params.n // b) with local_minimum(2, t2_max, smallerf=sf) as it_t2: for t2 in it_t2: y = cls.cost(b=b, t2=t2, ntest=ntest, params=params) it_t2.update(y) it_b.update(it_t2.y) best = it_b.y # the search cannot fail. It just outputs some X with X["oracle"]>m. if best["m"] > params.m: raise InsufficientSamplesError( f"Got m≈2^{float(log(params.m, 2.0)):.1f} samples, but require ≈2^{float(log(best['m'], 2.0)):.1f}.", best["m"], ) return best
[docs] def __call__( self, params: LWEParameters, ntest=None, log_level=1, ): """ Coded-BKW as described in [C:GuoJohSta15]_. :param params: LWE parameters :param ntest: Number of coordinates to hypothesis test. :return: A cost dictionary The returned cost dictionary has the following entries: - ``rop``: Total number of word operations (≈ CPU cycles). - ``b``: BKW tables have size `q^b`. - ``t1``: Number of plain BKW tables. - ``t2``: Number of Coded-BKW tables. - ``ℓ``: Hypothesis testing has tables of size `q^{ℓ+1}` - ``#cod``: Number of coding steps. - ``#top``: Number of guessing steps (typically zero) - ``#test``: Number of coordinates to do hypothesis testing on. EXAMPLE:: >>> from sage.all import oo >>> from estimator import * >>> LWE.coded_bkw(schemes.LightSaber.updated(m=oo)) rop: ≈2^171.7, m: ≈2^159.4, mem: ≈2^160.4, b: 12, t1: 3, t2: 18, ℓ: 11, #cod: 423, #top: 1... We may need to amplify the number of samples, which modifies the noise distribution:: >>> from sage.all import oo >>> from estimator import * >>> schemes.Kyber512 LWEParameters(n=512, q=3329, Xs=D(σ=1.22), Xe=D(σ=1.22), m=512, tag='Kyber 512') >>> cost = LWE.coded_bkw(schemes.Kyber512); cost rop: ≈2^178.8, m: ≈2^166.8, mem: ≈2^167.8, b: 14, t1: 0, t2: 16, ℓ: 13, #cod: 448, #top: 0, #test: 64, ... >>> cost["problem"] LWEParameters(n=512, q=3329, Xs=D(σ=1.22), Xe=D(σ=6.24), m=..., tag='Kyber 512') TESTS:: >>> LWE.coded_bkw(schemes.TFHE630) rop: ≈2^144.7, m: ≈2^131.8, mem: ≈2^132.8, b: 4, t1: 0, t2: 27, ℓ: 3, #cod: 559, #top: 0, #test: 71, ... .. note :: See also [C:KirFou15]_. """ params = LWEParameters.normalize(params) params_ = params while True: try: return self.b(params_, ntest=ntest, log_level=log_level) except InsufficientSamplesError as e: m = e.args[1] params_ = params.amplify_m(m)
coded_bkw = CodedBKW()